March 10, 2025 Meeting

Quorum starting, finishing
Meeting Timings starting, finishing
Called to order at


Adjourned at


Attendance here, there, dunno
Reports read and approved?
Previous minutes


Old Business things from before

Social Media – Abby Romero was brought up as a potential social media manager; separately budgeted funds allocated to pay for PIO. The two positions will work together. Potential candidates for PIO were discussed. Website update to be completed in 2025. New Members - Christian Evans, Jesus Sandoval (intern member), motion made, seconded and passed unanimously to add both members. Sam Tyler/Tom Fedel to sponsor Christian Evans. Justin Clark/Sam Tyler/Dack Klein to mentor Jesus Sandoval. Apparatus Issues – White board by tank room to be used for issues with apparatuses. Note issues on white board for Nathan Judd to fix. Training – Gas detector training; in Ridgway @6:00pm on February 2/12. Low-angle rescue for trained individuals will take place in Ouray on February 2/19 @6:00pm at the fire station. Hazmat – No Ouray members able to attend; additional training to be scheduled at a later date.

New Business things coming

3rd of July - Bands: Smokin J's + Courthouse Blues Band: $1000, sound and tents taken care of. Ouray Riverside will run food. Motion made and seconded. Unanimously approved. 4th of July - Tom to order food for games; Chris M. will do sawdust, Bumper and Nathan moving trailers. Adam to reach out to city about fencing. Looking for water fight teams. Fireworks - Trailer work day - Wednesday, 3/26 @6:00pm Ridgway/Ouray Intergovernmental Agreement - Draft agreement distributed. Gas Detectors - Calibration station ordered; New unit ordered. Training pending delivery. Training - Upcoming: Radio training upcoming, Gas detectors part 2: Wednesday, 3/12/2025 @6:00pm, Needs: CPR/First Aid upcoming, Pack Tests, 130/190RT. Live Burn - Upcoming; mid-April. Details TBD

Elections: Up: Chief, Assistant Chief, Treasurer, Secretary. Motion made, seconded and unanimously approved. Chief: Adam Kunz Asst. Chief: Dack Klein Treasurer: Kyle Easley Secretary: Tom Fedel