April 08, 2024 Meeting

Quorum starting, finishing
Meeting Timings starting, finishing
Called to order at


Adjourned at


Attendance here, there, dunno
Reports read and approved?
Previous minutes


Old Business things from before

School Banner: Motion made, seconded and approved to pay $150 for school gym banner.

July 3rd: Donny Morales is booked for the 3rd of July. Cost: $4000. Need flatbed trailers and hay bales N. Judd and B. Williams will take care of this.

July 4th: Fireworks getting ordered soon.

Equipment: - New battery operated vent fan will replace gas powered vent fan on Engine 11-11 - New Lightplant installed on rescue 11-11 - Backup cameras coming on all trucks within the next couple weeks

Donations: Ouray Chamber making donations to first responders

Resignation: Danny Wilbur submitted letter of resignation. Motion made and seconded to accept resignation; unanimously approved.

Street Cleaning: April 24th, Meet at the firehouse @9:00pm. Motion made and seconded to accept new date.


Assistant Chief: Bumper Williams stepping down as assistant chief. Dack Klein nominated by Patrick Rondinelli. Seconded and unanimously approved. Kyle Easley nominated as treasurer and Tom Fedel nominated as secretary by Bumper Williams. Seconded and unanimously approved. Bumper Williams and Chris Lee stepping down as officers. Kyle Easley and Tom Fedel appointed as Lieutenants/officers.

New Business things coming

Street Cleaning - April 24th; meet at the firehouse at 9:00p

After Prom Party - Check written to Voyager; donated $501 last year. 2024 donation will be $651; voted on and approved.

Firemen's Banquet - Scheduled for May 18th @5:00pm. Location: Kami's Sami's.

July 3rd - Donny Morales confirmed for 4/3. Tom Tyler working on getting sponsors for 2023. Poster in the works.

MAMS - Pouring 6/23, last Thursday of June. Bring a friend to help!

Fireworks - John Fedel has them ordered.