July 3rd - The department discussed the need to get a band for the July 3rd event. A motion was made to budget up to $12,500 for the band, stage and lights. The motion was seconded and passed. Dack Klein made a motion that the officers be permitted to select the band as soon as possible. That motion was seconded and passed. Sam Tyler offered to do some research on possible bands and all members were encouraged to do the same.
Fire Reporting - Officers have been trained to do Fire Reporting. The main takeaway is that a member should not quickly depart post-call. Reports cannot be edited so it's imperative they are on the report when it is submitted.
Maintenance - Officers have been assigned to a vehicle and will be taking them out once a week, ensuring they're ready to roll at any point.
Donations - Several groups have approach OVFD for donations to support their causes. A motion was made for the After Prom event to donate $501. The motion was seconded and passed. The Basketball banner at the gym is up for renewal. The program is also looking to raise extra funds for a shooting machine. The banner is $150. A motion was made to pay for the banner. The motion was seconded and passed. A motion was made to donate $500 to the shooting machine. The motion was seconded and passed. The Elks are looking to raise funds to help fix their bowling lanes. A motion was made to donate $250 to the Elks. The motion was seconded and passed. Chris Folssom's son did a hockey lap challenge last week. The money goes towards equipment and travel for his club. A motion was made for $0.50 per lap (he did 265 laps). The motion was seconded and passed.
SCBA Maze - Chris Miller reminded members that there is a great training at Tyler's place for SCBA and maze training.
Scholarships - At the moment, we have two applicants for the OVFD scholarship. A motion was made, assuming no new applicants come in, to award each of the applicants $1000. The motion was seconded and passed.
SCBAs - Bumper Williams requested that any member using an SCBA replace the batteries after use so that he can finish his testing on them.
Gas Leak Call - Dack Klein noted that there were a few missteps on the most recent gas call (using equipment correctly, shutting off meters, etc.). He suggested that it would be a great training resource for all members to attend.
Training Calendar - All members were added to a county training calendar for Ridgway and Ouray Fire.
Water Fights - Steve Martinez to put an ad in the paper for contestants; set to be in paper the week of 5/15. Ad will run through the first week in June. FD doesn't supply any gear, contestants need to find their own.
Fireworks - Bumper Williams will order a back up firing box, this will give us a box for all planned shot locations and a fully functional backup box. Discussed fireworks needs; short on 5"/4"/3" shells, will need to order. Chief Kunz & Bumper Williams discussed possibly purchasing a shipping container to store excess inventory. Bumper Williams to follow up on storage needs. John Fedel will be handling the firework order, Bumper Wiliams mentioned the need to prep trailers and clean tubes. Chief to procure canvas tarps for the trailers & look into purchasing Aslan containers after completion of work at processing plant.
Concert in the park - OVFD will be serving the last two Thursdays in June. Setup/pouring starts at 4:30.
Drivers training - Driving course scheduled on 6/3 will be moved to 6/10 @9:00am. Meet at Ouray Firehouse at 8:00am to prep trucks. Trucks need to be in Ridgway by 9:00am. Training will take place at the Ouray County Fairgrounds.
Uniform Shirts - Anyone needing different size 5.11 dress uniform pants needs to contact Dack Klein. ASAP. Uniforms are required to be worn at funerals the banquet and 9/11 remembrance ceremony.
New Donations - $500 from City of Ouray (purchase of 25 shirts), $714 from San Miguel Power/Basin Electric (Donation)
Womens Shirts - Reviewed design for womens shirts. Chief Kunz to purchase. Motion made by Dack Klein to use $2000 to purchase womens shirts. Bumper Williams seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
New Member - Andrew wakefield, motion to approve membership made by Steve Martinez, Ted Pullig seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
July 3rd - 20 Hands High booked for the July 3rd concert. Chief Kunz working to finalize the contract.
Upcoming Training - Pump Training in Ridgway, Wednesday May 17th, OVFD to bring Engine 11/11.
Officer Reports - SCBA batteries can now be changed as normal - Notify an officer if a truck is returned at less than 3/4 of a tank of fuel