Fire Leadership Challenge - A crew went to Keystone for this conference. John, Patrick and Bumper all attended and shared with the department some of the top items/topic they learned. Bumper noted that electric cars were a big part of the conversations in Keystone. John mentioned a newer issue is the increase in lithium batteries in homes (solar power, phones, etc.). Patrick shared his experiences with speakers he heard discussing personnel-power (recruiting, retaining, operating on more of a shoe-string, etc.).
New Members - Will be approved by council on November 17 (better said, they are in the minutes to be approved). Three of our four new members are at the meeting tonight and spent a moment introducing themselves. Welcome aboard! Chief will coordinate with each new member to facilitate the scheduling of the physical. Once council approval and physical, the new members are fully on.
Leave of Absences - Dack Klein has returned to the department. Chris Folssom was on a medical leave and has been cleared and is now expected to return. Amy Winterrowd has until February and thinks that time works for her return to active status.
St. George Fire Academy - Chief queried the members for who was interested in attending the academy. Several members noted their interest. Chief also noted any returning attendees must take new classes than they have before. It is up to each fire fighter to register for their classes when registration opens on November 19 at 9:00 AM.
Basketball Banner - A motion was made to approve the $150 renewal fee for the department's banner. The motion was seconded and passed.
Training - Wednesday, November 9 at 6:00 PM is an extrication training in Ridgway. Now that extrication is under the auspices of the department, all members are welcome to attend.
Budget - The officers worked to spread out the help for Chief with all the new items and resources coming in the next couple of months (safety sensors, door openers, lockers, and so on). As new items arrive and get set up, Chief will alert the department for relevant training, etc.
Ladder Truck Training - Chris Lee is going to coordinate the training with Michael Inmon and relay to the attendees.
COVID Rapid Tests - Chief has a supply that if a fire fighter needs it or is unsure, they are available.
Helmet for Women's Club - the department found an older helmet that all members signed to give to the Women's Club as a thank you for the gifts they gave us earlier this year.