Fireworks - Bumper and John are working on the order for this year's Fourth.
July 3 Event - Stage, Port-A-Potty and Social Distancing issues are present this year. This year David Turner has lined up the former frontman of the Black Lillies, who has agreed to come with an ensemble for the show. These artists, and the attending sound systems, do require a more professional stage, which costs $3000 to rent (previously, we used trailer beds). David currently has $2000 of the $3000 covered with sponsors and will be going to the City itself to work on additional funds to cover these costs.
The Port-A-Potty expense has grown 400-500% due, mostly, to Covid. Hand-washing stations and the like are now needed and required.
Historically this has been a "give back" event but as costs rise and as the event grows, we may need more. One thought was to increase the admission prices to $10 per person. Department members and their spouse are always free and now each member would get two additional tickets to give to friends, etc.
One last thing to consider is whether or not we go after business/professional sponsorships for the event.
David is concerned with the popularity of the band, the restlessness of the populace after a year+ of the pandemic.
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to raise the maximum budget for the event to $7000. A motion was made to raise the entry to $10 with the exception for fire fighters (retired or active) and their families. Finally, the department will seek two additional sponsors for the event.
Donation - We received a donation from SMPA for $200. A thank you card will be sent this week.
Scholarships - Coming this and next month.
Bylaws - Current work is being done with the by-laws such that by next meeting the department will be presented with the revised by-laws prior to their vote and approval.
Ray Marke - Former Fire Fighter (about 16 years of service) passed away this year. There is a celebration of life planned on June 13, his birthday, from 2-7 at Fellin Park. They requested the fire department work the bar and bring down the Ladder Truck for the event. We will also need to set up the tent. Plenty of department members volunteered to help.
Fourth - As of now, a full Fourth is planned (Water Fights).
Membership - Travis Manley provided his resignation to the department tonight. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to accept Travis' resignation.
Junior Mattivi also sent in his resignation after nearly 39 years on the department. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to accept Junior's retirement. Over the summer, the department will get a retirement gift for Junior.
Chief Kunz noted that the department will also do something nice for Chief Latta later this summer.
Meeting Time - Going forward the department meetings will be the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Banquet - we have a chance to have a banquet this year. The department is looking into a few options. A few suggestions were the Jossi's ranch, the KOA and we're looking at a few other spots. Chris Lee mentioned that the Bon Ton may be available. A motion was made to have the banquet at the Jossi's assuming we can find a caterer. The motion was seconded and passed.
SCBA Grant - was postponed so it will be a little longer until we know if we got the grant.
Cascade System - a new system is being delivered and still needs to be installed but it is on the way.
EMS Joint Mock Accident - Still in progress in terms of scheduling. Kim Mitchell and Chris Miller are coordinating and will relay on via WENS as available.
Chris Lee - Chris has accepted an officer position - a Lieutenant - from chief. With this change, Tom Fedel's new mentors are Chris Lee and Steve Martinez.