March 08, 2021 Meeting

Quorum starting, finishing
Meeting Timings starting, finishing
Called to order at


Adjourned at


Attendance here, there, dunno
Reports read and approved?
Previous minutes


Old Business things from before

No old business.

New Business things coming

Fireworks - An order needs to be done, even if we sit on it (canceled), for this year's Fourth. Bumper wants to try to work on the "old" trailer. He feels he can fix it up and still get good use out of it. Some hands may be needed for that and, if so, Bumper will arrange with the department.

Donation - $200 from Wright for responding to their calls as a way to say thank you.

Protocols - Fire fighters were instructed to not run lights and sirens in your personal vehicle. In addition, fire fighters are supposed to meet at the fire house and not show up on scene with personal vehicles. The department was informed of their First Air and CPR requirement (all have 1-year to comply). Ruth with EMS is running classes.

Music Series/July 3rd - It sounds like, maybe, one or two shows at the end of June but, most likely, not a full series/season. The department is to have a discussion as to what its thoughts and desires are for the July 3rd event. It sounds like MAMS will be ticketed, if it can happen, which fits well with the July 3rd event. We'll need to figure out how to handle and carry-off the event especially in terms of Public Health.

Mock Accident - A team met today to go over a two-car accident scene that will be on the track so participants can be spread out. It's currently set in May but more details to come at the next meeting.

Ladder Truck - The truck is down and will be operational tomorrow. A battery "exploded". The department was made aware in the event there is a call before it's back in action.

Wildland Refresher - This Saturday. In Ridgway. 9 AM but fire fighters should be there by 8:30 AM.

Elections - Trevor is stepping down as Chief. Adam Kunz has offered to run in his stead. Adam was nominated seconded and voted in as Chief. Bumper Williams was nominated as Assistant Chief and his nomination was seconded. Patrick Rondinelli was also nominated and seconded to run. Craig Kaminsky was nominated, seconded and elected to be both Treasurer and Secretary. By a vote of 12-10, Bumper Williams was elected Assistant Chief.