Invoices - We had a single invoice this month from Scott's Printing. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to pay the invoice.
Fireworks Debrief - Bumper Williams felt like the show went off really well and that, once we figured out how to use the new system, it has opened up a lot of opportunities for future shows. He was especially happy with how it went given it was the first show with the new tech. Adam Kunz and many other fire fighters involved agreed.
Donations - Bumper Williams has a $1000 donation for the department. We also got a $1000 donation from the Elks for any equipment or other needs the department may have during this time. Chief suggested we put it toward new radios, with further discussion to come. Craig Kaminsky will coordinate a thank you note to the Elks.
Geny McArdle sent a thank you to the department for her scholarship.
July Fourth - Chief noted that the City has officially decided to cancel the July Fourth festivities.
MAMS - The concert was also officially cancelled since our last meeting.
Training - Chief noted training opportunities coming up in the near future, including one Wednesday at the renovated Courthouse to review the new alarm system.
There will be extrication training on Saturday, June 20 in Ridgway. Training will start between 8 and 9 and extend into the afternoon with a break for lunch. It's imperative for members of Squad 11 to attend. They're also working on a big training session in September with more details to come at the next meeting.
Kevin Koprek mentioned that the Mountain Rescue team has been discussing some training opportunities and asked if it might be something that the department might want to be a part. Kevin felt that it would be later this summer and would be a good opportunity for Squad 11.
Larry Leeper - Sadly, Chief had to let the department that Larry passed away this weekend. Adam suggested that the department reach out to Alice to offer the department's service for the funeral or any other needs she might have. Adam offered to take on that task. Chief will also let the city know to change Larry's pension, etc.
Incident at the Flume - Jon Fedel noted that it was unusual that we were not called for that incident when we have equipment and skills to help. Bumper explained that it was more of a miscommunication with dispatch and ground crews on scene than anything else. More than anything, it was impressed that for such calls, fire should be paged out.
Wildland Refresher - You can now do the refresher course online. The pack test certification will be delayed to next year as Chief can approve for this year.