May 11, 2020 Meeting

Quorum starting, finishing
Meeting Timings starting, finishing
Called to order at


Adjourned at


Attendance here, there, dunno
Reports read and approved?
Previous minutes


Old Business things from before


New Business things coming

Grants - Danika Gilbert joined the meeting to talk to the department about our grants in action. A couple of days ago, Danika learned that we should be receiving $10,000 from the Dave and Mary Wood Foundation. She's also pursuing a couple other grants to go toward new radios. It's looking good for us getting, at least, a nice amount to get most of the radio costs covered. Bumper Williams also noted a possible partnership with Ridgway to work on a joint grant for new packs.

Masks - Chief and his family have been creating some masks (one per member at this time) for the team. The masks have the Maltese cross on them. Chief noted that fire fighters will have to wear masks and maintain social distancing (as best possible for the given situation) to respect the State's guidelines and, most importantly, stay as safe as possible.

Scholarships - The committee offered two awardee suggestions for this year: Geny McArdle and Makaya Cervone ($1000.00 each). A motion was made to award these two ladies the scholarships. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

High School Fireworks - The Council requested a plan for the fireworks shoot for the high school seniors/graduates. Bumper noted that the show would not be anything particularly large but could probably string it out to about 10 minutes but he felt like 4.5 to 7 minutes was more realistic. Craig will work with Bumper to help craft the plan for council. One important note is that we will also use this show as a training session for our new firing system. Craig will also work to coordinate with the students/families to ensure they know about the event (note: this is not being publicized) and can plan accordingly. Chief will work with CDOT and the police/sheriff's department for roach blockage, etc.

Adam mentioned that he tried to purchase an Android tablet but all stores in Montrose were out. Bumper said he has an unused one that he'll give to Adam to setup for the fireworks system tomorrow (Tuesday) night. Currently, the show is scheduled for May 24 (the originally scheduled graduation ceremony date) at 9 pm.

Fireworks Purchases - Given the larger concerns related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the department is not going to pursue a fireworks purchase. John will call his contact and let him know that we will not purchase any fireworks this Summer.

Fourth of July - While the official vote is coming next week, the department is expecting no Fourth of July celebrations at all this summer.

MAMS - Dave Turner let the department know that the June concert series is being canceled due to the pandemic.

July 3 - Chief and Adam agreed that we should let the bands off the hook, as it were, so they can pursue something else given that the odds are low anything can come together. We'll just revisit it again next year.

Training - Kevin Koprek is working with some folks and we might be able to use some of the structures could be used by OVFD for training.

Max Austin - Is requesting a leave of absence through Monday, November 2. He was offered a position on a hang crew in Oregon for the fire season. He'll be home after the fire season. A motion was made to grant the leave. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.