Holiday Dinner - Chief opened the floor for a discussion of possible dates that work for the department for a celebration. After much discussion we settled on Sunday, January 5 at 4 pm.
New Year’s Fireworks Equipment - The department held a discussion about obtaining the new shooting mechanisms for fireworks and the status of a new trailer as the old trailer has about one show left and then needs to be moved out of commission. The trailer will cost the department $1000 as the seller is donating $1000 of the cost to the FD. A motion was made (and seconded) to obtain the new trailer. The new firing system can be purchased in Spring 2020. The motion for the trailer was passed. The firing system discussion was tabled until later this winter.
New Year’s Fireworks Show Assignments - Bumper is taking the lead on the NYE fireworks show this year: organizing crew, supplies, etc. Chris, Dack and Amy volunteered for loading and shooting. Danny said he could get the trailer into the city shop for cleaning, decking, etc., as the time nears. We do need to tie on December 31, for safety reasons. We will organize via WENS to tie the fireworks. Bumper will communicate with Craig to relay messages to the department ahead of time. We will, most likely, tie at the fire house and store in the city shop once we’re done, etc.
Training - Bumper is looking to organize a training for Wednesday, December 18 in the evening to do a live burn.
Hats - Ted reported that we are not going to get the fitted because we’d have to order several sizes whereas the snap-back can be a one and done.
Utah Winter Fire School - Sam, Max, Kevin, Dallas, Chris, Steve and Adam all signed up. Chief will do a per diem for mileage, driving, etc. The crew was good with that option. Travis Manley and Danny Wilbur are going to do a final check on the schedule and relay to the chief. Once we have that, Chief will submit all the data for per diem checks, etc. Fire fighters need to coordinate who is going in which cars and relay that to Chief ASAP. The crew prefers to go with an AirBnB/VRBO home over hotel rooms.
Trucks - The flashers have been fixed on the Engine. The department will put chains on the trucks on Wednesday evening, December 11 at 6 pm.
Flags - The Summit County fire department lost a fire fighter recently. They’re (unofficially) asking departments to lower their flags to half mast. This is an unofficial request as it’s not approved by the Governor.
Training Hours - Chief requested that department members ensure all training data is in to the city this week because there were some changes at the city and this will help all keep things well organized, etc.
Ice at Rotary Park - the committee requested help from the department to ensure that they use the hydrant correctly and seal it correctly when they go to make the ice at the rink. Danny offered to assist.