T-shirts - a new order of shirts will be made shortly. The department opted to keep the designs the same. In terms of the hoodies, the department chose to re-order the grey shirts. In terms of women’s shirts, the department chose to redo the red racer shirts that sold so well last year. The shirts should be in before MAMS.
July 3rd - Dave noted he has what he needs from us for the event other than toilets and trash. The Chief and Assistant Chief will contact the respective businesses to ensure we have the necessary items. Dave does need the checks for sound and the two bands. All funds for these items were previously approved. The department discussed what breakdown of beer we want to have for this year’s event (cans vs. kegs). Dave will check on some options and Adam will take over the liquor procurement.
FJ Rally - July 17-21 and the Car Wash will be the 20th. Middle School Boys Basketball team will be our car washers, assuming they accept their opportunity.
Membership - John Baker...
Accountability Tags - Chief is reordering some because we need for some new members as well as the wildland team.
Pagers - Three department members are in need of pagers (Chris Folsom, Steve Martinez, Travis Manley, Patrick Rondinelli). Chief has four in stock and will deliver to the members.
July 4 - Kids Game: We will setup for kids games after the July 3rd event. Zip ties, plastic, fencing, saw dust, pies, eggs, monies, potato sacks, finish line tape. Adam noted that we should look at the PA system to ensure it is working well. Chief confirmed with the department that all items and supplies are set. Chief will also approach the city tomorrow to ensure all paperwork is in order for the event(s).
Parade: Danny Wilbur requested driving the Ladder. Chief and Travis will take the Engine. Adam has the 36. Bumper, Chris, Nathan and Craig will take the Tender. Amy is taking the Rhino.
Parade Officiants: John Fedel and Steve Duce will be our officiants. Steve Martinez will check in with Craig Hinkson on the color guard.
Water Fights - Chief has the permits in (but will double check tomorrow) and the road should be shut down at 12:30 so we have plenty of time to get ready. Steve ordered the plaques. Ronald, Dick and Eric will be back to help judge.
Fireworks - Bumper noted we have a lot to do between now and July 4. The team will meet each Wednesday at 6pm at the fire house to reset all the tubes and take care of the other work necessary (tying fireworks, etc.) for the fireworks show. Craig Kaminsky will send weekly WENS reminders. Chief is looking to use the City Shop for loading. Chris Miller suggested assigning a QA person. Bumper suggested running a refresher before tying even begins. Steve and Adam suggested we be certain to start tying on Tuesday, June 25 here at the house. This will gives us plenty of cushion for getting everything prepped in time.
Trucks: the Ladder goes up by the school with the Tender on the West Side.
Shooting Fireworks: Ted, Bumper, Chris Miller, Adam, Nathan, Dack and Danny will handle this.
MAMS - The department was reminder that we pour beer on the last two Thursdays of the month (June 20 and 27).