July 3rd and Fourth Round up - The round up was quick and positive. The department was, as a whole, pleased with the events this year. We used the least amount of water that we’ve ever had and still had a nice turnout for the parade, kid games, and water fights.
FJ Rally/Car Wash - Plans, for now, are to continue with the same setup as years past (using 3rd Avenue intersection by Twin Peaks). The department will give 35% of the proceeds to the girls sports programs (Volleyball and Basketball) under the direction of Craig Kaminsky.
Membership - We have two applications awaiting interview: Justin Clark and Max Austin. The membership committee will meet next Monday (7/16) at 6:00 PM for the interviews. Craig Kaminsky will coordinate with the applicants.
Water Fight - Steve Martinez brought up an issue that came up in the senior men’s fight this year. The current rules indicate that, in this fight, participants can do whatever they want so long as they have control of the hose. This means that someone sitting on the hose is acting legally. The department is considering amending the rules to prevent such an approach. After a discussion, the department opted to leave the rules as is.
Bills - Two bills were presented to the department. $172.29 To Copy Cats for the water fight plaques. We also had a bill for $325 to Chris Miller for the sawdust and other kid games related items. A motion was made to pay both bills. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
Burn Restriction SOPs - John Fedel expressed concern that, while enforcing burn restrictions, that we may be endangering ourselves entering a space where we are not an invited guest. His feeling was that, in such a scenario, we need to contact dispatch first. If the fire is out of control or unattended, we have to go in and address the fire. If it is under control AND attended, we should not enter and yield to law enforcement to enforce the law. Once the scene is secure, we would then go in. The department resoundingly agreed with John’s assessment and approach.
Fire Competition - The Mancos fire chief will be in Ridgway on Saturday to demo some of the challenges in these fire games. If interested, fire fighters should go to Ridgway this Saturday, at 8:30 AM.