Elections - This year we have three positions up for re-election: secretary, treasurer, and assistant chief. A motion was made to maintain the current board for this year. Junior Mattivi will remain as treasurer. Craig Kaminsky will remain as secretary. John Fedel will remain as assistant chief. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Spring Break - There will be some significant absences during the Ouray-Ridgway Spring Break periods, from about March 21 through April 2 or so. Members have been advised of this shortage. Both Ridgway and Ouray will go on auto-mutual aid during their respective weeks. Chris Miller will act as our temporary chief with Craig Kaminsky backing him up.
Between the members remaining in town have enough of a mix of skills that, with the mutual aid, we should be good for coverage.
Wildland Recertification - The Log Hill refresher has been moved to Saturday, April 14 at Station 2. The pack test will start at 7 AM. Breakfast at 8 and refresher is at 8:30 AM. Attendees: Craig Kaminsky, Danny Wilbur, Adam Kunz. Tentative: Chris Lee, Dack Klein, Kevin Koprek, Trevor Latta.
S130/190 Wildland Class - In Montrose at the public land center, this class will be offered over two Thursday - Saturday runs. The first possible set of days is March 22-24 and the second possible set of days is March 29-31. ICS 100/700 are required for this course.
Available to go: Nathan Judd (both), Ted (both), Matt (second set), Tyler (both).
Chief will let us know which set of days will work later this week.
MAMS and July 3 - Dave Turner presented the department with our options for this coming summer.
For MAMS - Dave wants the department to pour on the third week as there is a large band coming in. Same goes for the fourth week, which is another, expected large crowd. Those weeks are expected to be very packed and we’ll need the bulk of the department out to serve. A motion was made to fund raise those two weeks. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
For July 3, Upslope wants to sponsor us again for our beer nights. Dave suggested we do cans this year as there is a better price and it’s easier to manage.
The fee for sound is $1000 for this year’s event. This includes the sound engineer and all related equipment.
There are three bands in the running for the show. You Knew Me When is one of the recommended bands. They’ll play for about $400 and provide an approximately 90-120 minute set. The second band would offer the same as the first. The third band wants $800 for the 90-120 minutes.
A motion was made to approve You Knew Me When as the first band. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made to approve Ulterior Motives (not 100% on the exact band name) as the second band for up to $600. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
MAMS Sponsorship - Over the years MAMS and the Fire Department have been a good partnership, however, the department has dropped its donation level over the last couple of years from $1000 to $500. A motion was made to up our donation to $1000 for the 2018 season. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
T-shirt Restock Time - It’s time to get ready for the summer sales and, as such, we need to reorder our supplies for the summer ahead. The department opted to stay with the same design and colors for this year. Cheif will work with Scott’s Printing to ensure the order is correct. We also need a run of new duty shirts. Chief was interested in exploring getting a duty shirt with reflective designs, which would be good for nighttime calls, etc.
A motion was made to approve the t-shirt restocking. The motion was seconded and passed.
Banquet - Chief opened the floor to suggestions for where and when to have our banquet. Steve Duce suggested we have the banquet at one of Chris’ places (Bon Ton or Coachlight). Adam noted that, years ago, we have always tried to spare a fire fighter from having to do it so that s/he is not stuck having to work for and during the banquet.
Chris offered pros and cons for both locations. Cheif suggested we table it until the April meeting but wanted to have the discussion started. We are tentatively looking at Saturday, May 19 as our date.