November 14, 2016 Meeting

Quorum starting, finishing
Meeting Timings starting, finishing
Called to order at


Adjourned at


Attendance here, there, dunno
Reports read and approved?
Previous minutes


Old Business things from before


New Business things coming

Basketball Court - The backboards and rims need to be replaced but, otherwise, Amy did a fantastic job, going above and beyond. Craig Hinkson will provide some equipment to assist with the raising of the backboards and rims. Chief suggested and the department agreed that we will meet at Fellin Park at 3:30 PM, tomorrow (November 15) to raise the newly painted backboards and rims.

Yule Night - Dack Klein and Chris Folsom volunteered to drive the Engine (Rudolf) and Ladder (Santa) respectively. Craig Kaminsky will alert Denise Borg as to our confirmed participation and assignments.

Ice Park Clean Up - Pile building and pick up is still needed. Chief and Kevin Koprek will get together to select a few dates and get back to the department via WENS in the immediate future.

Vehicle Accident Pages - With Ridgway taking on extrication coverage for their portion of the county but the two crews are working to figure out where to best divide the response lines/coverage areas. Chief felt that it should not, given the nature of these calls, follow fire district lines per se. It will take some effort to get this coordinated. Paging, in general, will add to the challenge because Fire and EMS need to be called. And it could be a Ouray EMS page with a Ridgway Fire. For now, the plan is to have the pages go out as dual tones (EMS and Fire). The department agreed that we should get back to rolling out a truck for auto accidents as we have in years past. As Ridgway ramps up this service, Ouray will still roll out a crew with each call as we work through this transition.

Active 911 - Dack Klein asked if we were planning to move to Active 911. Ridgway, Squad 11, EMS and Mountain Rescue are all using it and it's less costly.

New Apron Out Front - Chief sought ideas for a new apron out front for working on the trucks (when needed). The department threw around a few early ideas and will think on and discuss further in the future.

EMS Donations - This was tabled from last month's discussion. Chief, again, offered the idea of the donation for Glenn and Colette. Kevin Koprek was going to take an EMT class this winter here in Ouray and was hopeful the department might consider donating some funds toward his training. The class is $2300 and Kevin would like to hone his skills to better serve both the county and the department. A motion was made to donate $500 to Kevin and $250 each to Glenn and Colette. The motion was seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.

Wildland S-190, S-130 - Tim Saunders asked if any other members were interested in attending the training in Salida. Tim will pick a date that works for him and then connect back with the department.

Ridgway Training - Saturday, December 10 they may be working on a rescue training scenario at the house in Pleasant Valley.